This is your 2020/2021 distant teaching/learning English course. After you finished all your tasks discussed on our last lesson at school (to finish the lesson 3 in your books, to deal with all exercises including the Review Unit 3 Part and the Maturita Skills Trainer in your workbooks), you will find further texts/tasks etc. here in your Amos course. Work according to your own working schedule, I will inform you when I need you to send something back to me as a feedback. Enjoy yourselves and stay healthy. JŘ
- Učitel: Jana Říhová
This is your 2020/2021 course. It will be offering a review of what you should know - vocabulary, grammar, use of English. Do not send anything back to me yet, I will let you know if I need a feedback. I would appreciate more if you were studying according to your individual rhythm without being pushed by me from a distance. I would expect that all of you want to be successful at your Maturita exam, which cannot be possible without your own motivation. So study, improve you vocabulary and grammar structures AND WATCH FILMS IN ENGLISH, PLAY GAMES IN ENGLISH, JOIN ENGLISH SPEAKING CHAT ROOMS, READ BLOGGS IN ENGLISH, simply use English in your private lives a lot. Enjoy yourselves. JŘ
- Učitel: Jana Říhová
This course is a summary of what you should know already - from your elementary schools and also from what we were doing together before the coronavirus distant learning started in early October this year. It also reflects the content of those copies I gave you before we said goodbye to each other. Work in your individual rhythm, enjoy yourselves and improve your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. I do not want you to send anything back to me yet. After we finish more of our review, I will ask you to send some feedback to me, but not now. JŘ
- Učitel: Jana Říhová
This course is a summary of what you should know already - from your elementary schools and also from what we were doing together before the coronavirus distant learning started in early October this year. It also reflects the content of those copies I gave you before we said goodbye to each other. Work in your individual rhythm, enjoy yourselves and improve your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. I do not want you to send anything back to me yet. After we finish more of our review, I will ask you to send some feedback to me, but not now. JŘ
- Učitel: Jana Říhová
This course is a review of topics/grammar/vocabulary you should be familiar with. Get acquainted with the content, check your knowledge (or study what you can´t manage very well yet). Enjoy yourselves, do not send anything back to me yet (I will let you know about it in case I need something to be sent over). Have fun and stay healthy. JŘ
- Učitel: Jana Říhová
Práce s učebnicí Prime Time 1 - SB a WB - prostudujte si zkopírovanou stránku a splňte zadané úkoly. Je to pro Vás vesměs opakování učiva ze ZŠ, proto nic neposílejte zpět, jen splňte úkoly, až vypracujete několik takových úkolů, prověřím, co umíte. Přeji Vám úspěšnou práci. JŘ
- Učitel: Jana Říhová
Maturita topics - vocabulary, useful phrases, picture bank, essays´ topics
- Učitel: Jana Říhová